

A House of Prayer or a Den of Thieves?

Congregation: Darbun

Speaker: Jerald Witmer

Date: June 11, 2017

Sermon ID: DAR-20170611-13834

Audio Runtime: 35:00

Summary: Matthew 21: 12- 15 1. Only Jesus had the responsibility and right to cleanse the temple in this way 2. Jesus' motives were pure and unselfish. He acted out of His zeal for God's house 3. Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament prophecies Jeremiah 7:11 4. There was various responses to Jesus' actions- anger, rejoicing Lessons we can Learn I. We are God's temple 1 Corinthians 3: 16,17 I Corinthians 6:19,20 2 Corinthians 6:16 II. Sin defiles God's temple and brings consequences III. All sin is robbery IV. Only Jesus can cleanse the temple V. Our response will always be joyous Am I Open to God's Cleansing?

Categories: Christian Living