

Following God

Congregation: Leola

Speaker: Cliff Stauffer

Date: August 05, 2018

Sermon ID: LEO-20180805-15806

Audio Runtime: 44:00

Summary: The basis for this sermon is the story of God's call to Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. We can be assured that God knows the future and has it planned out in minute detail when he asks us to follow him. We struggle with that because we can't see the future. As we face God in our lives we need to recognize his Holiness, his ability, and his power in order to listen to Him and to follow Him. God will not stand back and watch us go where he tells us, He will go with us! Rely on God, use the tools he gives you, and if you need more He'll give you more.

Categories: Christian Living, Deity and Holy Scriptures