

Great Was the Fall of It

Congregation: Kirkwood

Speaker: David Sweigart

Date: December 05, 2021

Sermon ID: KIW-20211205-20701

Audio Runtime: 47:00

Summary: Continue the theme of last few Sundays of Glorifying God. When we take the glory that belongs to God and direct it to ourselves, this is self-glory. Then we have a great fall. 1. A look at a few examples, Lucifer, Earth before the Flood, Tower of Babel, Nebuchadnezzar/Babylon, and Manasseh. 2. God hates man's self-glory. God doesn't share His glory. 3. Ways self-glory is expressed. - How we decorate during the holidays. - What I put on status, or how much time I spend on social media. - Giving or receiving applause. - Dress material choices. - Vehicle choices and accessories put on. - Taking credit to self instead of directing to God. - Attitudes that come out - maybe even part of personality. - Being overly self-conscious, constantly comparing self to others. - Perfectionist to the point of not allowing God to have control. - Fearing man instead of God. - Inflated ego or flattened or destroyed self-worth. Both have focus on self. 4. The answer is to focus on Jesus. 1 John 3:4-9 Honor and glorify Him with every fiber of our being.

Categories: Christian Living