

How to Be an Overcomer

Congregation: Leola

Speaker: Cliff Kreider

Date: June 03, 2018

Sermon ID: LEO-20180603-15129

Audio Runtime: 41:00

Summary: Matthew 3:16 - 17 4:1 - 11 1. There's a battle raging for your soul I Peter 5:8 2. Is every temptation we face of the devil? 3. Satan tempts us in areas he knows we will be vulnerable James 1:13-15 4. All of our temptations are God screened I Cor. 10:13 Job 1:1, 7-12 , 20-22 Job 2:4-6, 9-10 5. How can we be Overcomers? I Timothy 6:11 Ephesians 6:10-18 Quote Scripture to ourselves and the devil The Power of Prayer Depend on Jesus

Categories: Christian Living, General, Sin and Forces of Evil