

Lies Satan Tells Teenagers

Congregation: Swatara

Speaker: Nelson Sensenig

Date: July 03, 2016

Sermon ID: SWA-20160703-12288

Audio Runtime: 35:00

Summary: Outlined are 5 lies the devil uses on teenagers and others as well. 1. What God wants me to do now is to hard right now i will do it later. (A better time never comes) 2. Forbidden things are not wrong rather they can be quite enjoyable and helpful. 3. No one will ever know. Do it or think it a little now and then you can quit when you want. your situation is different you can handle and quit before you get to far. Ps 51:10-12 4.The isolation lies. Your alone, misunderstood, your life is not fair, and no one cares. Ps 73 5. I have plenty of time. Choose your thinking patterns and choices because we know not when the Lord will return. John 8:31+ Ephesians 6:10-11 is the answer to be victorious over these lies.

Categories: Christian Living