

Matthew 18

Congregation: Darbun

Speaker: Lyndon Burkholder

Date: November 26, 2017

Sermon ID: DAR-20171126-14342

Audio Runtime: 45:00

Summary: Matthew 18 vv 1-6 Jesus wants us to be like Children - Dependent - Trusting - Humble- willing to accept everybody - Not threatening Jesus loves children!! vv 7-9 Facts about offenses - They will happen - Offenders have a "woe" pronounced on them How do we avoid offenses? -Do whatever it takes to avoid temptation. - We need a radical change of heart. v 10-14 We have no business to decide who is important enough to hear the message of redemption. v 15-20 -This concept is reserved for the kingdom community- not the ungodly -This is about personal trespasses v 21-35 Forgiveness is the answer to everything we talked about. - Forgiveness does not erase the law of sowing and reaping. - Forgiveness and trust are not the same thing - Forgiveness must be from our hearts Jesus' kingdom is not made up of great people - it is made of converted people!!!

Categories: Christian Living